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“Align With The Divine”

Divine Fragrances

Nature’s bounties have connected the human spirit to its universal source and creator since the very beginning. The ancient science of Ayurveda, originating from the Vedas which pillared this ancient civilization, speaks about the deeper holistic science behind the exhilaration of senses when individuals come in contact with fragrances and experience its healing properties. From times immemorial, fragrances please various senses of our body and soul. Introducing Adirith’s divine range of products. Each product is brought to you with utmost love and care and is sure to create a lasting environment of harmony and tranquility In your home and surroundings.

Heritage Fragrances from Adirith

Among the eight magical vedic fragrant substances, sandalwood or ‘chandan’ can be called the backbone of vedic spirituality and fragrance, as well as the key ingredient in vedic ritual even today. Sandalwood is rightly believed to be incredibly healing, calming and spiritually inspiring. Adirith divine agarbatti is sure to align your thoughts with the almighty creating an ambience that invokes tranquility in the mind.

Enchanting at its very best, the fragrance of Gulab agarbatti is as ancient as 3000 B.C and was believed to be at the center of many cultures around the world, its aroma has the innate ability to uplift the spirit which is precisely why it is preferred by devotees as offerings to the holy deities during prayers and celebrations. A global symbol of love, beauty and purity, Adiriths Divine Gulab agarbatti fragrance infuses the royal and divine energy of the gulab flower into the air which heals your mind, relaxes your muscles and stimulates positive thoughts enriching the aura of all holy ceremonies and festive celebrations.

Sacred and versatile, the fragrance of mogra agarbatti has a distinctive place in Indian culture. It has been weaved into garlands and ornaments for generations.  The strong and lovely fragrance of the milky white mogra flowers make it the perfect offering to Gods. During festivities, a crowded environment can drain your energy easily.  The sweet, rich and energizing aroma of mogra agarbatti is an instant mood up-lifter and transforms any stressful environment into a peaceful one. It has the power to cleanse your mind and heart with its immaculate fragrance for a vibrant festive celebration. Every festive celebration in India is incomplete without the fragrance of floral agarbattis. Adiriths Divine mogra agarbattis will pour the magnificent aroma of these blossoming flowers throughout the holy rituals and celebrations to make your festivities abundantly cheerful and unforgettable.

Loban is the best energy purifier of atmosphere. using of loban has spiritual and customary secret in India to elevate the energy level. Aroma that is generated by lighting Adirith Divine loban agarbatti is therapeutic, antibacterial and curative. It helps in enhancing sensorial perception and mental clarity, Induces serenity, calms the nervous system, revokes negative thoughts, and fosters a quiet mental state. Adirith Divine agarbatti is sure to align your thoughts with the almighty creating an ambience that invokes tranquility in the mind.

Nature’s bounties have connected the human spirit to its universal source and creator since the very beginning. From times immemorial, fragrances please various senses of our body and soul. The aroma and fragrance of Adirith Divine lavender incense sticks will not only leave your home smelling wonderful but also has antibacterial properties and is an excellent way to purify the air from any harmful pollutants or dust that might cause allergies.

Divine Incense Sticks

Divine Dhoop Sticks

Divine Dhoop Cones

Adirith Yatharth Guggal Cup

Guggal cup from Adirith promises quality that lasts. The finest energy purifier of atmosphere, sambrani with all its purity and sanctity has been captured with utmost love in Adirith cup, an offering by ESSENNENN VENTURES.

Adirith Chaitanya Ghee Diya Batti

ॐ असतोमा सद्गमय which means from ignorance, lead me to truth तमसो माँ ज्योतिर्गमय which means from darkness, lead me to light As per scriptures, subtle frequencies emanating from the ghee diya activates the soul energy of the worshipper. Adirith’s Chaitanya Ghee Diya is hand crafted with care and devotion to instill “chaitanya” or pure consciousness of its users.

Adirith Ananta Kapoor

According to the ancient Hindu scriptures, camphor—also known as kapoor—is a natural healer of the mind and body. Its therapeutic properties can facilitate the relaxation of the mind and body from different manifestations of illnesses such as chronic anxiety, relief from cramps. It’s sharp fragrance has a rejuvenating influence on the mind and can also promote relief from congestions, camphor can also pose as a stimulant for the normal working of the metabolism and intestinal system thus preventing severe conditions like diarrhoea and gastroenteritis.

Adirith Aaradhna Samagri